Swift 和 Objective-C 单例模式详解

| | 2017-06-29 | iOS |


  • 严格单例模式


  • 不严格单例模式


有的类只能有一个实例,例如 UIApplication 类,通过 shared 属性访问唯一的实例,属于严格单例模式。废话不多说,接下来看看 Swift 和 Objective-C 的每种单例模式的具体实现。

Swift 实现


大多数 Objective-C 的类都继承自 NSObject,而 Swift 的类可以继承自 NSObject 类或者不继承。

  • 继承自 NSObject 类
  1. 写法一
open class DYFStore: NSObject {
    public static let `default` = DYFStore()

    /// Overrides default constructor.
    private override init() {
    /// Make sure the class has only one instance.
    open override func copy() -> Any {
        return self
    /// Make sure the class has only one instance.
    open override func mutableCopy() -> Any {
        return self
  1. 写法二
open class DYFStore: NSObject {
    /// A struct named "Inner".
    private struct Inner {
        static var instance: DYFStore? = nil
    public class var `default`: DYFStore {
        defer { objc_sync_exit(self) }
        guard let instance = Inner.instance else {
            let store = DYFStore()
            Inner.instance = store
            return store
        return instance
    /// Overrides default constructor.
    private override init() {
    /// Make sure the class has only one instance.
    open override func copy() -> Any {
        return self
    /// Make sure the class has only one instance.
    open override func mutableCopy() -> Any {
        return self
  1. 写法三
open class DYFStore: NSObject {
    /// A struct named "Inner".
    private struct Inner {
        static var instance: DYFStore? = nil
    public class var `default`: DYFStore {
        DispatchQueue.once(token: "com.storekit.DYFStore") {
            if Inner.instance == nil {
                Inner.instance = DYFStore()
        return Inner.instance!

    /// Constructs a store singleton with class method.
    /// - Returns: A store singleton.
    public class func defaultStore() -> DYFStore {
        return DYFStore.self.default

    /// Overrides default constructor.
    private override init() {
    /// Make sure the class has only one instance.
    open override func copy() -> Any {
        return self
    /// Make sure the class has only one instance.
    open override func mutableCopy() -> Any {
        return self

// MARK: - Extends the properties and method for the dispatch queue.
extension DispatchQueue {
    /// Declares an array of string to record the token.
    private static var _onceTracker = [String]()
    /// Executes a block of code associated with a given token, only once. The code is thread safe and will only execute the code once even in the presence of multi-thread calls.
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - token: A unique idetifier.
    ///   - block: A block to execute once.
    public class func once(token: String, block: () -> Void) {
        defer { objc_sync_exit(self) }
        if _onceTracker.contains(token) {
    /// Submits a task to a dispatch queue for asynchronous execution.
    /// - Parameter block: The block to be invoked on the queue.
    public func asyncTask(block: @escaping () -> Void) {
        self.async(execute: block)
    /// Submits a task to a dispatch queue for asynchronous execution after a specified time.
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - time: The block should be executed after a few time delay.
    ///   - block: The block to be invoked on the queue.
    public func asyncAfter(delay time: Double, block: @escaping () -> Void) {
        self.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + time, execute: block)

DYFStore (In-app Purchase in Swift for iOS) 属性 default 持有唯一的实例,对外公开。

重载 init() 方法,使其对外不可见,不可以在外部调用,防止在外部创建实例。

重载 copy()、mutableCopy() 方法,返回 self,防止在外部复制实例。这里也可以返回 DYFStore.default,效果是一样的,因为只有一个实例。只有属性 default 能调用 copy()、mutableCopy() 方法,那么 self 就是属性 default。写 self,代码比较简洁。

  • 不继承自 NSObject 类
open class DYFStore {
    public static let `default` = DYFStore()

    /// Privatizes default constructor.
    private init() {}

不继承自 NSObject 的类没有 copy()、mutableCopy() 方法,不需要重载。其他同上。


把重载的 init() 方法去掉,或者把 private 去掉,即可创建多个实例。如果继承自 NSObject,重载 copy()、mutableCopy() 方法:创建新实例,传递数据给新实例,返回新实例。其他与严格单例模式相同。

open class DYFStore {
    public static let `default` = DYFStore()

    init() {}

Objective-C 实现

Objective-C 创建对象的步骤分为以下两步:

  • 1、申请内存(alloc)
  • 2、初始化(init)


当调用 alloc 方法时,OC 内部会调用 allocWithZone 方法来申请内存,我们覆写这个方法,然后在这个方法中赋值 _instance 并返回单例对象,这样就可以达到我们的目的。

拷贝对象也是同样的原理,覆写copyWithZone方法,然后在这个方法中调用 _instance 返回单例对象,或者禁用 copy 和 mutableCopy 方法 。


.h 文件

@interface DYFStore : NSObject

/** Constructs a store singleton with class method.
 @return A store singleton.
+ (instancetype)defaultStore;

/** Disable this method to make sure the class has only one instance.
+ (instancetype)new NS_UNAVAILABLE;

/** Disable this method to make sure the class has only one instance.
- (id)copy NS_UNAVAILABLE;

/** Disable this method to make sure the class has only one instance.
- (id)mutableCopy NS_UNAVAILABLE;


.m 文件

@implementation DYFStore

// Provides a global static variable.
static DYFStore *_instance = nil;

+ (instancetype)defaultStore {
    return [[self.class alloc] init];

/** Returns a new instance of the receiving class.
+ (instancetype)allocWithZone:(struct _NSZone *)zone {
    if (_instance == nil) {
        static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
        dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
            _instance = [super allocWithZone:zone];
    return _instance;

- (instancetype)init {
    static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
    dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
        _instance = [super init];
        [_instance setup];
    return _instance;

/** Sets initial value for some member variables.
- (void)setup {



在 .h 文件中,用 NS_UNAVAILABLE 禁用初始化和拷贝方法,只允许用 defaultStore 方法访问唯一实例。

静态变量 _instance 持有唯一的实例,通过 defaultStore 方法对外公开。由 dispatch_once 保证 _instance 只初始化一次。方法返回值的 nonnull 表示返回值不为空,这样写方便 Swift 调用。不加 nonnull,defaultStore 方法在 Swift 中的返回值是 optional 类型 (DYFStore?),不方便使用;若加上 nonnull,则为 DYFStore (In-app Purchase in Objective-C for iOS) 类型。

NSObject 的类方法 new 相当于 alloc 和 init 方法。


.h 文件

@interface DYFStore : NSObject

/** Constructs a store singleton with class method.
 @return A store singleton.
+ (instancetype)defaultStore;


.m 文件

@implementation DYFStore

+ (instancetype)defaultStore {

    static DYFStore *_instance = nil;
    static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
    dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
        _instance = [[self alloc] init];
    return _instance;


公开的 defaultStore 方法与严格单例模式相同。外部可以通过 init 方法创建与 _instance 不同的实例。

如果重载 copyWithZone: 和 mutableCopyWithZone: 方法,就在里面创建新实例,传递数据给新实例,返回新实例。外部可以通过 copy 或 mutableCopy 方法复制实例。

- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
    DYFStore *store = [[self.class allocWithZone:zone] init];
    // Copy data to store
    return store;

- (id)mutableCopyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
    DYFStore *store = [[self.class allocWithZone:zone] init];
    // Copy data to store
    return store;

最后,想了解更多详情,请查看我的 Demo,记得给个 Star,😝😝

Demo ( Objective-C ):戳这里
Demo ( Swift ):戳这里